Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Clima-Stor located?
Clima-Stor is located at 3993 S. Valley Drive. Unit D in Longmont, CO 80504.
What are the office hours?
We’re at the office Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and on weekends by appointment only.
When can I access my storage unit?
Access your storage unit 7 days a week, 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
What are climate controlled units?
Climate controlled units protect your belongings from unpredictable temperatures and humidity levels. These units are kept in between 55 and 80 degrees year-round.
Is the facility under video surveillance?
Our facility is under 24 hour video surveillance so we’re able to see everything taking place at all times. Video footage is also proof for local police in case of any possible criminal activity.
How do I get inside of the facility?
Once you’ve signed a lease, a staff member or manager will give you a personal code that gives you access inside of the facility. Enter your code into the gate keypad and come right in during access hours.
Which unit size should I rent?
If you need assistance figuring out which unit size to rent, contact us and one of our storage experts will help you. Be sure to have a list of items that you plan to store and you’ll have a suggested unit size in no time.
What types of leases are offered?
Our leases are available month-to-month. Whether you plan to store short or long-term, our leases are the best way to go.
How do I pay my storage bill?
Pay your monthly storage bill online using a debit or credit card. It’s the most convenient way!
What am I not allowed to store?
Items that can’t be stored in your unit include:
  • Live animals
  • Perishables
  • Liquids
  • Explosives
  • Flammable liquids and fuels
  • Toxic materials
  • Other items that need to be in a controlled environment